We do allow dogs, as we are dog owners ourselves and understand the enjoyment and attachment we have to our four legged friends. However, dogs will be dogs, especially in strange places and we therefore have the following policies that must be adhered to, in order that we can accommodate our canine friends;

  • All dogs owned by Oxbow owners are expected to be well behaved and in control. However, since these dogs do live on the land they will be permitted to be off leash as long as they are well behaved. If there is a concern with a members’ dog then the member is expected to keep their dog on a leash.
  • Dogs that are visiting with cottage owners may be off leash as long as the cottage owner is on the property and is responsible for the dog. If the visitor dog becomes a problem, then the owner will be notified and the dog must then be put on a leash whenever it is outside.
  • Guests that are renting are expected to keep dogs on leash whenever they are outside. The dog can be off leash while playing in the water.
  • The issue of safety is important. If anyone feels unsafe around any dog then they should address this concern with the dog owner. If the matter is not resolved then the concern should be raised with a cottage owner on the property. If the issue is still not resolved, then it must be addressed by the board.
  • No dog play on the dock. Dog play should occur from the shoreline, away from people and children.
  • All dog owners are expected to scoop any poop they see. Marker sticks will be provided in various locations on the property for non-dog owners to mark the poop to be scooped. Bags will also be made available around the property.
  • There will be a limit of two dogs per cottage for renters and owners alike at any given time.